OotD (#2 - #4) by Danah
Let's shop FOREVER! (+ OotD #5)

I meant at Forever 21!

She puts the UMP in PLUMP (#7)
What is your size?
My size is US 18/20.
Who is your style icon?
I have no style icon. I derive my inspiration from fellow bloggers and people I see in everyday life. I guess I also look at magazines too for that but I have no specific person who I look up to for my style.Favorite store? Asos Curve and Dorothy Perkins
Favorite pieces of clothing to wear?
love to wear dresses. You can wear them in the winter, summer, spring. I also love skirts. Basically things that aren't pants! I like to feel comfortable and liberated, plus it's easy to look chic and feminine with a skirt.
Where do you get your confidence from?
I don't have much confidence myself but I definitely get some from my fellow bloggers. I guess also growing up in Canada, you don't grow up with the stigma of "fat is bad" like in the Philippines.How important are other people’s perception of you to you?
Not that important especially if it's strangers in my everyday life. If I'm at the mall or somewhere and people stare, I don't give two shits (pardon my language). They can stare all they want. However if it's family, it's kind of different though I've changed that and I just say, "Screw it, I'll wear what I want even if I get stares."
Message to other Plump Pinays: I find in our culture, fat is associated with such negativity and I know that people in the Philippines like to poke fun at fat people--and clothes shopping can be especially traumatizing because of all the small sizes. Despite all this, keep your head high. Make things work and ignore the rude comments. Be proud to be a Plump Pinay.
Do check out her blog for fashion inspiration and tips! :) I personally love her outfits in the second and fourth photo. Gazel, you're a light and you definitely permeate through the people around you. Continue to shine and be strong! :)
We turnin' Japanese-ah!


Verbatim (#3)
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; AND NEVER STOP FIGHTING.--E.E. Cummings, 1955
If your face is too wide, GET A BOTOX.

While driving on my way home from school yesterday, I heard on the radio that Charice Pempengco recently had Botox injected into her face. Because she liked chewing gum, her facial muscles began to enlarge, making her face broad. According to Vicky Belo, the doctor who suggested she undergo the procedure and did the procedure herself, Charice's face was too wide and the Botox would make her face more narrow, hence making her face "camera ready" for her appearance on Glee.
"You chew gum and it turns out to be a favorite super-exercise for these muscles, your chewing muscles. So we will show you, this muscle here it's a bit protruding," Belo said as she touched Charice's face. "It's like a ball, so we are going to Botox that in order to get it flat so she will have a cuter face ... we want to give you the apple cheek look because it's cute, right?"
-- Vicky Belo (from Yahoo! News)