1. Lime Crime lippies
I have seen this brand online and I've been looking for local online sellers because we don't have it here yet! I've always wanted to try it because the colors they have are sooo unique and bright, not to mention the lipstick's packaging is just too cute to resist!
Sparkly unicooooorn *_*
After scouring the internet for a legit seller, I came across The Balik Bayan Sale on Facebook! They're selling these babies at Php750 each! Not bad for these highly pigmented, long-lasting babies! :)
I got 3 colors, but this one is my favorite! It's called The Great Pink Planet. Cool lippie name, huh?

I like its baby pink tone!
Check out TBBS store to see more colors (they also have bright, show-stopping eye make up there!)
2. My La Mer watch in camel
I've always been a fan of brown hues and watches. Put them together and it'll be one of my favorite pieces from my wardrobe! I really can't go out without a watch, I think if I have to choose between a watch and another wrist accessory, I'd go for the former. I even used to wear my favorite AK watch even when it wasn't working anymore! Haha! I just got so used to wearing it that I just had to have it on me.
What I love about the La Mer watch is its elegance, simplicity and chic-ness. It can definitely add that extra modern classy touch to an outfit. :)
La Mer Simple Wrap
wearing my La Mer watch at the F21 Mastercard launch party
Again, came across this brand at TBBS store. We don't have an official distributor for it here in the Philippines yet. Gotta love online shopping! :)
3. Hairpieces extensions
I've always wanted to don long curly hair for a sophisticated Latina look (been watching too much Modern Family, I love, love, love Sophia Vergara's style) but my hair's length just won't let me! Good thing you can have long locks instantly (please don't get me wrong, I love my hair. I just wanted to try something new and it was just for a special occasion :) )! I really had fun with this look! What's cool was that NO ONE even noticed I was wearing extensions. Just goes to show how natural-looking the product is (made with 100% human hair). :)
being styled at Azta Urban Salon (Robinsons Forum Pioneer)
Finished look! TADAAAH! :)
I wore it the entire nigh and it still looked great when I got home. :) Check out www.myhairpieces.com to know more about the product! :)
4. F21 +'s latest collection
Here's my look during my reunion with my very awesome college girlfriends a few weeks back. Sucks I wasn't able to take any outfit photo but it was worth it because every minute spent with them was precious! :) I didn't have time to pose for the camera because we were too preoccupied enjoying each other's company. Again, this outfit was inspired by Sophia Vergara. :) It's very classy yet sexy at the same time. Even some of my office mates complimented my look! :>
All items can be found in F21+ (except bag).
There you go! We'll make it a point to share with you our personal picks of the month so that you may get to enjoy them too. :) Happy weekend!
Plump love,