A Very Yahoo! Christmas


Okay, I'll skip the unnecessary apologies for being on hiatus for quite some time. I don't wanna dwell on that, and I'm over beating myself up for not making time for my first love--blogging!

Good news is, WE'RE BACK!!! And we've definitely not forgotten about you or this blog! Never have, and never will! *smooch*

The past December 16th, Yahoo! Philippines decided to have an omg! themed Christmas party at The Manila Peninsula, where all the employees had to be in a recognizable Hollywood costume. Guess who I went as? ;)

Top Ukay Ukay | Skirt Merlene Marcello Couture | Thigh high socks (originally stockings that I just cut) H&M |  Nude pumps Forever 21 | Accessories Tutti Frutti

I went as Rihanna (NOT Nicki Minaj), dressed up in an outfit inspired by one of her looks in her Only Girl In The World music video! :)

I got Rihanna-fied by one of the best makeup artists I know, my dear friend Kaycee Anne Lim. Here's a close up of her awesome job! She did everything--from hair to makeup to the turning my skin evenly brown with body paint! She even "erased" my eyebrows and made it thinner to be similar to Rihanna's brows! The works! :)

And thanks to her mad skillz, I won Best in Costume, together with the group who went as Jabbawockeez and my office mate who went as a Na'vi from the movie Avatar! CAREER KUNG CAREER! :))

Spot Katy Perry and Nicki Minaj!

It was a Yahoo! Christmas party indeed! :)

So how have your holidays been so far? We really missed interacting and hearing from our dear followers and supporters! We really do! :( Danah and I have just been enjoying the holidays the past couple of days, relaxing at home with the family or out bonding with great company (over great food, of course!). :) We sincerely hope you all are enjoying the season! And please, don't worry about the holiday weight. It's almost mandatory that we relish all the good food and bask in the happy vibes brought in effortlessly by December! :)

We really hope that you keep on supporting us despite the minor breaks in blogging. 2012 is definitely gonna be a BIG year (pun intended) and you wouldn't want to miss out on all of our awesome surprises in store for you! And of course, MORE OUTFIT POSTS! Thanks, sexies! :)

Happy holidays,