She puts the UMP in PLUMP: Mel

It's such a privilege to have known this exuberant woman. She's one of the plumpies who really just bursts with so much life, energy and confidence that you'll just want to be friends with her. Mel is one of our schoolmates way back in high school who knows how to liven up the crowd. With her amazing singing voice, awesome volleyball skills and spunky personality, Mel definitely puts herself out there with so much tenacity and boldness that we just had to feature her! We definitely know that she's one plumpie you can take inspiration and courage from. :)


What is your size? I’m a size 10-12

Have you always been plump? Why? I’ve always been plump and voluptuous.  Being full figured runs in the family.

Have you ever been bullied/verbally abused/discouraged because of your weight? 

How did you react? What did you do about it? I have a very strong personality and it helped me to be positive during the times when people put me down because of my weight. I always tell myself that as long as I am healthy, there is no reason why I should feel bad. I have always been comfortable in my skin and I am very proud to be a full-figured woman.  

Who is your style icon? If I had to pick one, it has to be Marilyn Monroe. During the peak of her career, she actually wore size 12 dresses and size 8 pants. Up to now, she’s still considered as one of the most beautiful and stylish women in the fashion/media industry.   

Favorite store?  H&M, Forever 21, Cotton on, and

Favorite pieces of clothing to wear? Sundresses and bright colored tops ♥

How do you want people to see your style? I want people to see my style as fun, funky, and comfortable. J  

Where do you get your confidence from? I am confident because I accept who I am and I love who I am. I know that I can’t please everyone, and I don’t try to.

How important are other people’s perception of you to you? There are a lot of people that judge. It’s a natural thing. However, I don’t allow myself to be stuck in a certain stereo-type. Everyone’s got an opinion about everything; but it’s up to you if you let their opinions bring you down.  

Message to other Plump Pinays: Confidence is something you find in yourself when you learn to love who you are. You are your worst enemy… so keep healthy, sexy, and happy! J

Plump love,