Know more about Teena and be charmed by her gorgeous face and mad make up skillz! :)
What is your size?
Hmm, I'm not sure, but I'm a 13 or 14 on Forever 21's jeans. :)
Have you always been plump? Why?
I started getting chubby when I was about, 8 years old. Then slowly i got bigger. I was still fine till 4th yr. high school. It wasn't too much but I got teased a lot cause I stood out so much for being tall as well. Why? Because I love food. Ha! It's awesome, I was never the, "Omg, i gained weight!" type of girl. Even if I'm a chub chub, I always knew I looked good. So, maybe that's why I never did anything about it. I was blessed with a curvy body and being voluptuous didn't make me bothered by it. lol
Have you ever been bullied/verbally abused/discouraged because of your weight? (IF YES,) How did you react? What did you do about it?
Yes, of course. When I was younger, I was getting teased, but not a lot. But whenever we where asked to teach unfortunate kids in slum areas, I was called names that hurt me and made me feel bad deep inside. In highschool, I was teased too, since that was the puberty stage of boys. Whenever we'd play games, I wouldn't join, but I wanted to, I just couldn't because I didn't want to make a fool of myself if I did something physically challenging. I was always told that I'm pretty, gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, everything, but there was always a "but" afterwards. I get it though, so I just make it seem that I'm okay with everything, that I didn't care but I did, somehow. I showed everyone that I'm confident and that's how they looked at me. Deep inside, I'm burning with insecurities. Until now, I guess, that's the case. I can carry myself, but I'm not as confident as I seem.
Who is your style icon?
I don't think I have one, to be honest. Demi Lovato would be the closest as a fashion icon could be for me. I'm new to the fashion world even if I am a fashion design student. I have so much learning to do. My style is basically depending on my mood. I have no specific style. I like playing around with style.
Favorite store?
Favorite store?
Forever 21 at the moment. I just buy my clothes anywhere I can find something nice. I'm not into brands too, so. :)
Favorite pieces of clothing to wear?
Favorite pieces of clothing to wear?
I basically mix and match whatever I can. But lately, I like cardigans over low sleeveless tops and skinny jeans. It's simple but I twist it with accessories and makeup. :)
How do you want people to see your style?
I want them to see me as girly girl but can go dark and messy. Demi Lovato style.
Where do you get your confidence from?
Just myself, and maybe some of my friends who believes i'm pretty even with a plump body. :)
How important are other people’s perception of you to you?
How important are other people’s perception of you to you?
Depends on who we're talking about. I'm more of the type that I'll try to please everyone, but if they really can't appreciate me and I'm not doing anything wrong then it's their problem, not mine. But I do care about it. Yes. Not to the point that I would compromise, though. :)
Fill in the blank: A TRUE PLUMP PINAY IS Teena Arches.
Somehow, i'm shy of my channel, but sometimes I'm also proud of it cause a lot of people praise me for my talent. Generally, I am proud.
Message to other Plump Pinays:
My message to the plump pinays is, that you should love yourself as you are. God fearfully and wonderfully made us in His own image, therefore no one is ugly. Thick or thin, it's only about the confidence that you show people that makes them look at you in a perspective. It shouldn't matter what they think of you as long as you're happy. But of course, it's always nicer to live healthy. :) Love the body you're in and work every curve.
What made you interested in make up?
Make up for me is: My art. My passion.
What made u create a youtube channel? Did you feel comfortable putting yourself out there right away? Why or why not?
Because I like performing. Acting was my first art and I love pleasing people. Plus, I wanted to share what I knew. Some people are amazed of what i can do and asks me all the time how, so I just made a video. I made a youtube channel, because I wanted to be famous and a known Filipina Makeup guru too. :)
Somehow, i'm shy of my channel, but sometimes I'm also proud of it cause a lot of people praise me for my talent. Generally, I am proud.
Pros are, people get to know you easily cause it's in the internet. It's easy access. You also get to meet a lot of other girls and guys that do the same thing you do. You get attention and recognition. The only bad thing is, haters will always hate, even if you didn't do something bad. They can be just trolls or they don't like what you did. Beauty and art can never have that ONE perfect look. It always varies and not everyone will like it even if you think you did an amazing job.
Do you put on make up everyday? Why?
No, It also depends on my mood if I feel like it. Also, I want to make my face rest at times. I want my friends and family to be shocked and amazed when they see me fully made up for an event or occasion. If I wore thick makeup everytime, they'd be just used to it. No more "Wow!" factor. :)) I've always believed in the saying, "Natural is beautiful but Makeup is glam" by Judy from ItsJudyTime on Youtube. :) Natural or Made up, we can always be beautiful.
Do you think make up makes women forget about natural beauty? Why or why not?
Sometimes, girls can be overpowered by makeup that it hides their true beautiful, God-given features. Makeup is only to enhance it, not change it. And I've seen a lot of girls cake on too much makeup when it's not needed. So sadly, yes.
What makes your channel stand out?
I think my humor makes it stand out and how I make some artsy fartsy makeup looks. It's not the typical glam makeup. I also, just started to have a TeenaTalk and an Ask Teena. People like it somehow. They think my corny "banats" are funny whenever I say something silly on my videos. :))
What is your message to girls who want to learn make up but are discouraged because of lack of knowledge/skills?
Youtube has thousands and thousands of videos about makeup. It's simple, If there's a Will, there's a Way. I you really want to learn, you'd do something about it. If you don't have internet, you can always apply in Makeup Seminars or really invest and sign up in a Beauty school. Or simply, asking a friend that knows how. Baby steps, and you'll learn how on your own. Play around with it and have fun! Don't worry about it and just do it. Practice! Practice! Practice! Soon enough, you'll be amazing at it. :)
Message to other Plump Pinays:
My message to the plump pinays is, that you should love yourself as you are. God fearfully and wonderfully made us in His own image, therefore no one is ugly. Thick or thin, it's only about the confidence that you show people that makes them look at you in a perspective. It shouldn't matter what they think of you as long as you're happy. But of course, it's always nicer to live healthy. :) Love the body you're in and work every curve.
P.S Don't worry about the men. There are tons of guys that likes chubby girls more than stick thin ones. 'Nuff said. :)
Plump love,