I wish I could taste these things again.
1. Maxibon

I remember being in elementary school and using up all my lunch money for this ice cream sandwich. I'd get hungry a few minutes after devouring this treat, but it was very much worth every penny. Besides, I was 9 then. Squandering money on sweets with poor nutritional value was totally OK. Of course my mom didn't know. :D
2. Mickey Mouse ice cream sandwich

Apparently I love ice cream sandwiches. I'd choose Maxibon over Mickey anytime, it's just that it's more fun to eat Mickey's face.
3. T.G.I.Friday's Outrageous Dessert

I thought Google could show me everything I searched. Too bad I couldn't find photos of my all-time favorite dessert when I was a kid. :( But to paint you a picture (and a delicious one at that) of the Outrageous Dessert, imagine a slice of warm classic chocolate Malt Cake, heap on two scoops of rich vanilla and chocolate ice cream, ladle on strawberries, mound on whipped cream and top it off with pieces of chocolate bar. Now I made myself drool.
4. Closeup's ChocoLoco toothpaste

I still categorized this last item on the list right! It's sweet and cold. Anyway, I miss using this toothpaste. It actually made the mundane task of brushing my teeth yummy and enjoyable.
These are the only things that I can recall and reminisce of, as of the moment.
I like things that are chocolate-y, obviously.
If you did enjoy these treats too, leave a comment! Or better yet, share the sweet and cold things that you wish would make a comeback. :)
Zaftig Lovin',