I love having a rich twin / Spontaneous Halloween

My sister gives me the best gifts every Christmas because she has more money than me. HAHA! I don't know why this is the case, but it's just how it is. She's richer than me, and I enjoy it because she spends a lot on her gifts for me (besides, I'm her only sibling.)! YAY!

Yesterday I got my very first gift for this year's Christmas, and it's from Danah!

She paid more than half of these awesome biker boots (and I paid for the rest) that I drooled over in Dorothy Perkins. Thanks Danah! *smooch*

My new baby!


I couldn't resist wearing them right after I got them!

Danah's Outfit of The Day:

Top Plains&Prints Jeans and Bag Greenhills Flea Market
Rose bangle Tutti Futti (Rustan's) Ring F21 Watch Anne Klein
Shoes Old Navy


I love the lace detail on both sleeves.

My OoTD:

Polo Kashieca Denim shorts Forever 21 Bangles Top Shop
Bag Hong Kong Boots Dorothy Perkins

(Excuse the bang(s).) This will be my uniform from now on.

Now to the fun part of this post... The best unplanned Halloween night of my life (so far)!

It was a Saturday night and it was Halloween. My uncle and I had nowhere else to go and we had already finished our agenda for the night (which was to watch The Social Network). Since I wasn't sleepy yet and I wanted to do something fun for this year's Halloween, we spontaneously headed to Malate! For all of you reading this from afar, Malate is the center of the gay night life here in the Metro. Best place to be on Halloween! They totally rocked the street party, parading in their outrageous costumes and outfits. I got stunned.

I was only able to take few photos because I forgot that I had the camera with me. :\


My uncle feigning a scared face! I love the Chuckie doll costume!

S/he's not scary looking, but I had to take a photo because of his/her stunning outfit!

After dancing to house music and having a few shots, it was still too early to head home (at 2:30 am)! So off to The Fort we went to top off our ultra-mega-spontaneous Halloween 2010! Mwahahaha!

The queer Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton! THEY'RE SO PRETTY!

If I were in Bacolod (I just love that place) and I went out at 3 am, I wouldn't have a problem finding a place that's open. It was only 3 am and almost all the bars at The Fort Strip were already! :\

Good thing one bar was still open! We ended our night at Sofra.

Met gorgeous ladies in fabulous costumes! With Tinkerbelle (forgot her real name) and Claire, the sexy pirate!

Claire and her friends! :)

My hairy arms. Can't remember the last time I was out this late!

I didn't expect my Halloween to turn out the way it did, since I did not plan on doing anything this year. Many thanks to my uncle whose spontaneity brought a lot of unforgettable memories of Halloween to me! I had a scary good time seeing all the fierce costumes of people and not to mention dancing (if you call my dancing dancing) until the wee hours of the morning. Best Halloween (so far!)!

Tonight there's going to be another exclusive Halloween party with the family and crazy godparents (my mom's best friends), and out of laziness, I'm channeling Justin Bieber. MEH. It's the easiest and most effortless to do for me because all I need to do is make my hair look like a helmet. :D

Anyway, I'm off to mingle and bond with the family now!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! Have a frightfully fun night! :)
