I've been a crazy Usher lover and I've only got to know about this woman's existence when she married my hot, sexy, talented beast. They're officially divorced now, though. So anyway... Several months ago, she was all over the news because she had a cardiac arrest in the middle of her liposuction. Here's what she had to say about it.
"I too have fallen prey, while on vacation in Brazil I decided to undergo tummy lipo-surgery. After having an allergic reaction to the anesthesia, I went into cardiac arrest before the procedure ever began. I nearly lost my life over something as superficial as having a flatter mid-section and trying to adapt to society’s traditional definition of beauty. As I nursed my psychological wounds, I began to realize that trying to live up to the prototypes of external beauty paled in comparison to the fact that I have undergone labor, subsequently being blessed to raise five handsome, smart, healthy, intuitive, and happy children. I emerged from my ordeal realizing that my body is an amazing vessel that has given birth to life and that being healthy is what’s important and nothing more."
Beautifully said!
*photo from google, statement quoted from mrsgrapevine.com