BIG 10 for 2010!

Happy new year, plumpies!!! :)

First of all, we just wanna say thank YOU, thank YOU, thank YOU for all the support, heart-warming comments, "my-life-changed-because-this-blog" statements and for believing in our advocacy. We truly are thankful for the openness of your beautiful hearts to our propaganda, and for wanting to change the twisted and distorted image of women the media have brought about with us. We are beyond grateful that YOU, dear plumpies, are a part of our dream, and that is for body-acceptance to be known and understood by many wonderful women out there. Never can we express our gratitude enough. :)

So to start the year right, let us count the many milestones and blessings this blog and we had over the last year!!!

HERE'S OUR BIG 10 FOR 2010!!!

1. Wi-tribe endorsement

Read our post about it here.

2. Magazine cover

Another great opportunity from being a wi-tribe endorser! So happy I got to rock my curves and share some insights and dreams to Chalk's readers. :)

3. We are gonna be in a FATSHION book!

As we've mentioned in our Facebook page, a British college girl e-mailed us and asked us if she could interview us for a book she'll be publishing. She said it'll be done by April. I can't wait to see it!!!

4. Our Awesome Planet

It was definitely a highlight for this blog! OAP is such a big blog in the country, and to be featured in it, man, it's amazing. :) Read our post about it here.

5. Blogoversary

Our baby's first birthday (and many more to come)! ♥ Read about it here.

6. She Puts the UMP in PLUMP features

Of course we are tremendously grateful for the girls who are so willing to be a part of this blog; girls who share their passion for body-acceptance and fatshion with us! :) It's so great to see varying styles of women and to know their different approach to body-acceptance. :) This is definitely one of our favorite parts of this blog. :)

7. Food tasting

Last year, we also had the wonderful privilege to be asked to food-taste for the blog! I wanna personally thank Annesy, for asking us to do this job (is eating a job? HOW AWESOME IS THIS???). :) She's such a nice girl and I really had fun and enjoyed our dine-outs!

8. Having 800+ likers on Facebook

This blog wouldn't be complete without YOU! :)

9. Clothing line opportunity

We are still on it, so cross your fingers with us! This is definitely a goal we wanna achieve, and a dream we all wanna share with all the plump Pinays out there. :)

10. Jesus' faithfulness, and our dear family and friends

The support we get from our friends and family is truly overwhelming. :) Without their love and encouragement, I don't think we'll have this mindset about body-acceptance and radical self-love. :)

That's is for 2010! We've had amazing times and opportunities. It's been great for us. I hope it's also been great for you! Start the year right, count your blessings! Let's all celebrate diversity! Cheers to body-acceptance!

Plump love,