I am posting this to give a little visual therapy to people with perceptual disorders--those people who are so sold to the thought that only Victoria's-Secret-model-skinny is the ONLY sexy.
THIS WOMAN. Just look at her! LOOK AT HER PHOTOS AND TELL ME SHE ISN'T SEXY. I WILL SHOOT MYSELF!!! (No I wont, I am just exaggerating because I want you to agree.)
I am already dyiiiiiing just looking at her amazing curves (aaaand another exaggeration).
But seriously, I posted her photos because: 1. I truly admire her. 2. I find her extremely beautiful. 3. She's rockin' her size-18 body. 4. I want you all to see her stunning sexiness.
Just goes to show that ANY BODY can be sexy. ;) It's all about how you wear it and how good you feel in it.
Am I right?
Of course I am. ;)
Keep loving thy sexy self,