Being skin and bones is fine, but being ten pounds overweight isn't.
Seeing 90-pound models on the cover of magazines is totally acceptable but images of fat women are utter taboo.
A skinny girl can eat all the junk she wants, but when a fat girl does it she's called a pig who should do something about her "eating habits".
A normal sized woman who never gets any exercise is seen as "healthy", but an overweight woman who does her daily workout but just won't shed off the last fifteen pounds is "not trying too hard".
UNFAIR ISN'T IT? Fat people are being discrimated every day and these are just a few examples of subtle discrimination. It's time that we protest, and we start this body revolution.
I was a chubby kid, and I was never spared from the "napag-iwanan sa kusina" and other fat-related jokes. It's in our culture-- fat people get disrespected and are called baboy, lechon, elepante, and the list of words which are synonymous to something massive or portly goes on. I know that some extremely skinny people also have their share of being name called, but is it AS offensive? Specially now with the media hyping skinny as the "in" thing? I don't think so.
Every single one of us is guilty of discriminating fat people in one way or another, but now's the time to stop. Instead of chuckling when seeing an overweight person, why not try seeing the positives than their flaws? Trust me, it will make your world a bit brighter whenever you try to see the beauty in everyone. This can also be applied to yourself. Most of the time, yourself is your worst critic. THAT'S WHY IT'S ABOUT TIME TO SHIFT YOUR PERSPECTIVE. Focus on the word ACCEPTANCE instead of doing everything you can to change your body. Stop criticizing yourself and stop thinking that losing the last 15 pounds is what it takes to make you feel beautiful. You can feel beautiful NOW, if only you'd magnify your best features. :)
I find it funny that women keep on buying expensive magazines full of images of skinny people only to feel bad about their bodies. If that's you, STOP SPENDING YOUR PRECIOUS MONEY ON THOSE MAGAZINES!!! There are a lot more things to waste your money on! Stop looking at those models wishing it could be you one day. Why don't you just look at yourself in the mirror and smile that you aren't like everyone else? Why don't you see yourself blessed for having a complete and healthy body? Stop conforming. You were made that way for a purpose-- to exude your beauty and show this messed up world that YOU ARE UNIQUE, AND YOU CHOOSE TO DISREGARD THE MEDIA'S STUPID DEMARCATIONS ON BEAUTY.
Eating disorders are becoming more and more prevalent, and this is proof that women aren't being secure in their wonderful bodies anymore, because they're being brainwashed that fat is ugly, thin is beautiful. But who has the right to set standards on BEAUTY? I think we all have the right to feel beautiful and be beautiful and no one can dictate the criterion for it. Here's a quote I regard as truth with all my heart:
There is no absolute standard of beauty. That precisely is what makes its pursuit so interesting. --John Kenneth
I've said it in my previous post and I will say it again. EVERY BODY IS BEAUTIFUL. And yes, THAT INCLUDES YOU. :)
NOTE: I still need to research more on the topic of "fat discrimination" so I can really dig deep into it when I blog about it. :)
Zaftig Lovin',
Stacy ♥