THIS HAS BEEN THE BEST BIRTHDAY WEEK EVER! From the new car to our I-mic gig to our yacht party, God has been indeed truly good to us. No, make that GREAT!!!
Here’s the thing: ever since I entered college, I have lost my extra-curricular pizzazz because of my weight gain. I started hiding in a pile of frumpy, unflattering clothes, and didn’t participate AT ALL in school programs as much as I did in high school (I used to have a band, and well, was the ultimate all-around host, modesty aside). I remembered joining a dance troupe during my first year, and that’s about it. I was already getting heavier that time because I stopped my 1-meal-with-1-hour-cardio-a-day diet, but still I pressed on. Unfortunately, affter 2 sprained ankles, I quit. I can say my self-image totally ate my confidence away, and it really sucked for me. I shrugged off the idea of pursuing my love for performing every time, and would continue living my mediocre, college life. Nonetheless, I would feel so envious whenever I see my friends shining in school programs onstage, since it used to be my life way back in high school.
Fast forward to my 3rd year, after a lot of pondering and a 15-pound weight loss, I realized how to love the skin I’m in. I realized that if you let your character shine through, your physique wouldn’t matter as much. So after creating my self-made shell, I decided it’s about time I bought my old zingy self back.
Blurting out the idea of joining i-Mic (more like a who’s-got-more-balls contest rather than a singing one), my twin, who’s very supportive of me, totally showered me with words of encouragement. I was overwhelmed. But still, after a long hiatus, thoughts of doubt started drowning me. What would people say? How would they react, since they never saw this side of me (the supahstah) before?
It does pay to have supportive friends and positive people around you. After praying for it long and hard, and looking at the circumstances yelling a go sign for me to join, I was in. We passed the auditions, and history began. My twin named my sistah from anothah muthah (Tiff) and I *drum roll*...
The Femme Js
(Don’t you just love the sound o’ that? :D oh yeah, and it's a Michael Jackson themed event)!
So after a restless week of rehearsals (and laughters), here’s our act (shout out to Tiff for having a very active youtube account!):
I LOVE HOW MY BOOTY LOOKS IN THIS VIDEO (I'm obviously the one in the orange jacket)! Nyahaha >;) So there 'ya go! I don't have the official video so here's the one taken from Tiff's camera, shot by Michelle O. :) I do hope you guys enjoy it as much as we did!!! Shout out to Jonas G. for being so confident in his sexualiteh! :)
It felt so good to be back on that stage!!! I felt my heart pounding as I walked up the stairs onto the huge, monstrous platform. I wanted to slaughter it, I wanted so bad to conquer it. Seeing my friends and a whole bunch of people cheering and shrieking, I promised myself I'd give it my all. Once they played the music, it was like the chain was released and the roller coaster ride had begun. It was definitely so freeing! It felt so good inside. Being the last performers of the night, we were tortured with the waiting part the most. However, it really added to our drive to hit them with our best shot, since the bar has been raised by the other performers.
With this whole experience, I ingested that I used to be so shallow letting my weight keep me from doing the things I love, and exuding my genuine confidence and self. My physique is just a lump of flesh, and my inner being is what's truly alive. My body should be MY slave, not the other way around. This really tore down my insecurities and immature beliefs, and the most important thing is I learned to take with a grain of salt what other people say or may say about me. I realized that believing in yourself is much more essential and necessary before you can even expect others to believe in you. I'm just so glad I shook my big booty on that stage. It's definitely one of the highlights of my year. :)
Plump love,