She puts the UMP in PLUMP! (#3)

I know this girl because we went to the same elementary school. Back then, all we did was annoy each other by calling names of people we offensively resembled. :P I never figured now that she's grow up to be such a confident fashionista!

Check out our Plumpinay of the week who's oozing with boldness and self-confidence: SAMANTHA OLANDRES.

I personally love this shot! :)

What's your size?
42 Euro :)

Who's your style icon?

I dont think I have cause I just go with my own style but I could consider Tyra Banks as one! Though she's voluptuous, she can still wear any outfit she wants to and she wears it awesomely!

Favorite store?
wala (none), but I usually visit Topshop & Zara. They have sizes that fit me.

Favorite piece of clothing to wear?
I love wearing shorts & polos & long-sleeves.

How do you want people to see your style?
I want to hear them say WOOOOW!!!

Where do you get your confidence from?
I got it from my momma! Kidding. :D Well, the first thing I do in the morning when I get up from bed is go in front of the mirror and then smile and project while saying "Good morning Samantha! You are very very beautiful!" Funny but it's true, and that's where I get my confidence from. It just makes me feel beautiful every time. I really love myself, I guess. I love and I am contented on what I have right now so why hide who you are when its easier to flaunt it? :)

How important are other people's perception of you to you?
For me it is very important. I'm sensitive in handling feedbacks really, I get offended most of the time when people tell me, "You're fat! You can't wear that! or "Napabayaan ka siguro sa kusina!" or "What does it feel to be chubby? Hirap ba bumili ng clothes?" and many many more. I just can't get rid of those comments, but if people don't like you, they won't like you. You don't have to explain anything to them 'cause they wont listen anyway, and the people who like you won't need an explanation [because they'll like for you for who you are]. :)

Message to other Plump Pinays?
To all the plumps! Always keep in mind that you are UNIQUE and one of a kind. You are beautiful so always act like you're the prettiest girl in the room, even if you don't feel like it at the moment. And when you're going out, make sure all your friends in the group look and feel hot too! Try it then you will see that all eyes are on you and people will get starstruck! Plumps, stay beautiful! :)

Samantha rocks. She's really THE girl who lives out what being a Plump Pinay is all about! And for that, she is endeared. :) By the way, I just love how she exudes femininity gracefully in her dresses! ;)

Zaftig Lovin',