I dare you to be daring!

Since I am a chunky girl, I veer away from clothes that would show my arms and my thighs and hide them in other flattering tops that would emphasize my other features like my neck and chest area--when I say chest I mean CHEST, literally. Not breasts. I am not well-endowed in that aspect as you could notice--and my legs. When this year began, part of my resolution was to take a step in becoming bold and brazen when it came to fashion. Every time I see a chubby or fat girl (NOTE: FAT IS NOT AN INSULT) that's donning something fiercely stylish, it would unconsciously make me turn my head and stare at her, even to the point of gawking. Then I'd think to myself, "Wow, she carries herself really well." As what we've been constantly reminding all of you in our blog posts, sexiness is all about the confidence you exude. It doesn't matter what kind of body shape or size you have. It's truly from what you emanate from within.

So this post is a bit of a confession. I haven't been really living out my advocacy as a Plump Pinay. (Okay, hear me out first before you start thinking what a huge hypocrite I am and start posting hate-comments. Just read on. There's a great epiphany ahead.) I settled on being the one empowering other girls and being happy in their own successes when they finally come to realize how beautiful they are. But just recently, I told myself I'm done with being just an encourager. This time, I am taking a step towards a different path by being a role model to chubby girls. I want to take the first step to being bold so that others may follow. I want you plumpies to know that you too can be in style while being criminally sexy at the same time. ;) That you too can wear whatever you want, as long as it makes you feel beautiful and confident.

I would never normally wear spaghetti straps and fitted tops, because it's just not me. Like I said, in any given occasion, I'd always hide my arms and my tummy. But just recently, I remembered my resolution, and the little voice in my head that had a British accent (Seriously. I don't even know why it's British.) urged me to make my resolution a reality. It told me that it's time to take risks when it comes to fashion. Besides, how would I know what would look great on me if I don't even try wearing new outfits, right? So I decided that I'd wear something new and something fun. :D

Two weeks ago, we finally received the balikbayan box that our aunt sent us all the way from Canada. She shipped us lots of clothes and shoes just in time for the summer. (THANKS ATE LISETTE! *kisses*) Of course, since those clothes are meant to be worn during the hottest season ever, its styles are for baring some skin. I tried them on and felt glad (and relieved) they all fit me well. :) So the past Saturday, my mom, my twin, and I decided to bond over shopping and dinner. I didn't know what to wear and the yellow bustier top that my aunt sent me caught my attention. I tried it on and after the endless praises of my twin on how good I looked in it (yeah yeah, I'm gullible :D), she finally convinced me to go out in public wearing the spaghetti strap, bustier top.

I didn't notice that I was stepping on tissue paper. :))

My outfit! :) @ Bonifacio High Street

Candid shot after seeing the friggin' tissue || Our Saturday night dinner @ Italianni's

Honestly and bluntly speaking, nothing really miraculous or profound happened after I dared myself to wear something skimpy. It's not like I felt like a goddess that night and I just all of a sudden, completely loved my whole being to the brim. No, it's definitely not like that. But at least I am one step closer in appreciating my body more. At least I am one notch higher in being REALLY comfortable in my own skin and loving my body-- this complete, chunky, healthy body that I've been blessed with. :)

I probably felt beautiful because I finally convinced myself that I can carry what I was wearing well. I then realized that when it comes to your appearance, it's just really about how an ensemble would make you feel. It's not even about fashion. It's just being able to find the right clothes that would flatter your body shape and make you feel beautiful and confident. In my opinion, clothes cannot really make you sexy. They can just make you FEEL sexy, and then how you carry yourself will what make you LOOK and BECOME sexy. Also, it's going for risks and breaking your own humdrum when it comes to style. You'll never know how a new piece of clothing would change your sense of self-esteem if you won't even take a chance.

A piece of advice to all you plumpies: Don't be too hard on yourself. Sometimes, we keep on criticizing and magnifying our flaws which keep us from wearing something that could make us feel sexy, because we get too self-conscious. But just enjoy fashion! It's not something that should be taken too seriously. Ask your close friends for their opinions. I'm pretty sure they'll be honest and will give you constructive criticism when it comes to style. ;) Another way to spice up your everyday outfits is to get ideas from "fatshionista" blogs (click the links on the left column of this site under "Links to More Plumpiness"). Trust me, it will really amaze you how these girls can just cat walk through life with sheer awesomeness and curviness. :)

And lastly...

Don't let your body size or the way you look keep you from being awesome. That's too shallow a reason to hinder yourself from being truly happy and from realizing how great you can be.

Zaftig Lovin',
