Sometimes, we find it hard to take in that our mom is really and literally our mother.
Because she's a 17-year-old girl trapped in a 36-year-old woman's body. Seriously.
Our mom is definitely NOT the typical, conventional mother. She's messy (most of the time we need to tell her to fix her room), she's loud (and doesn't care at all if she get stares for it), and to simply put it, she's crazy (she really is). Most of the time she claims that we look like her aunts (and even goes far to the extent of calling us tita whenever we go out) because she likes to think that she looks waaaaay younger than us (which is not true, but she does act less mature than we do :P). If you see us three, you'd really be surprised to know that we are her daughters, because we look like we're just girlfriends. You might even assume that we don't treat her with enough respect the way daughters typically do with their moms, but that's just plain bad judgement. It's just how we've been since we were kids. Our mom prefers that we treat her like a friend because doing otherwise makes her feel old. :)) I guess we just have different ways of showing affection and our relationship with her is extremely close that we consider each other best friends.
Despite the frenzied personality of our mom, we really do admire her. She's the strongest woman my sister and I know, and she continues to inspire us every day in becoming strong-willed individuals. She has been the quintessential super mom, and may I add to that the fact that she's a single parent. She raised us by herself and that's something that really makes us so proud of her.
Our mom taught us so many things (aside from kalokohans)-- from putting on make-up to how to put together an outfit, and to exuding confidence from within. She is the epitome of confidence and sexiness, so to speak. She knows that she is a beautiful woman and she just amazes us in how comfortable she is in her body.
Our family is a family of alaskadors, and my mom endlessly gets teased and commented on the clothes she wears and how she exudes herself (because she is plump). But it blows us away how she can just laugh it all off, and sometimes even laugh at her self, then proceed and continue to being sexy and awesome. ;)