While driving on my way home from school yesterday, I heard on the radio that Charice Pempengco recently had Botox injected into her face. Because she liked chewing gum, her facial muscles began to enlarge, making her face broad. According to Vicky Belo, the doctor who suggested she undergo the procedure and did the procedure herself, Charice's face was too wide and the Botox would make her face more narrow, hence making her face "camera ready" for her appearance on Glee.
As reported on Yahoo news, her publicist said that the Botox was intended to help remedy her facial muscle pains and NOT for cosmetic reasons. But the same article says that Belo said it was to make her face less wide.
"You chew gum and it turns out to be a favorite super-exercise for these muscles, your chewing muscles. So we will show you, this muscle here it's a bit protruding," Belo said as she touched Charice's face. "It's like a ball, so we are going to Botox that in order to get it flat so she will have a cuter face ... we want to give you the apple cheek look because it's cute, right?"
-- Vicky Belo (from Yahoo! News)
WHAT THE @#$%^&*(?! Isn't she too friggin' YOUNG to get a Botox??? And what's wrong with having a round face? Didn't she pass the audition for her tremendous singing talent anyway and not because the producers thought that her face was nicely shaped?
And isn't getting a cosmetic procedure against the values and principles that Glee airs to their viewers???
Besides, why go as far as having a cosmetic procedure done just to make her face look slimmer? Couldn't that be magically solved with make-up and contouring?
I feel really disappointed in Charice Pemgpengco for letting this happen, not that I'm a fan of hers in the first place. But this action could be misinterpreted by other teens and kids looking up to her and idolizing her. She's only 18. Who needs a friggin' Botox at 18??? Kids with chubby cheeks and faces could be feeling miserable now, thinking that they're not pretty because they don't have the friggin' APPLE CHEEK LOOK which is cute (according to Belo).
I also think Belo's statement was hilarious. After being on numerous TV guestings (from Ellen to Oprah and many more) and concerts with internationally renowned artists, apparently Charice's face was still not considered "camera ready".
*sigh* When will the Philippine media start esteeming artists with genuine talent for what they can do as performers and not what they look like? This is exactly why a lot of teen "stars" nowadays are all just pretty to look at, but once they start performing, they make you cringe and feel embarrassed for them.