But since I really want to be bold and have a KEBER attitude on what and how people would react to how I looked, I decided that I'd go with wearing my dorky chola inspired look. :)
Outfit of the Day #6
Harlem Marathon Burnout Top: F21
Jeans: Dorothy Perkins
Shoes: Chuck Taylors
Bandana: random find in my drawer :D
Dog tag: Greenhills tiangge
The moment I stepped in school, people greeted me with stares, which I couldn't identify if it were the woah-cool-outfit type of stare or the OMG-what-the-hell-is-she-wearing kind. Some even gawked (without even trying to be discreet) until I was out of their sight. :)) I didn't really know how to react, so I just kept walking. Inside my head I was telling myself, if you let those stares make you feel one bit of insecurity, IT DEFEATS THE PURPOSE OF WEARING THE OUTFIT. Learn how to not care, self!!! Now's the best time to practice it! So I did. I didn't care. Then I recalled a friend quoting this to me: You'll worry less about what people think about you when you realize how seldom they do.
After passing by acquaintances who were obviously unsure on what to say about my outfit-- most of the time they said (1) "You look (three second pause)..." by the time they were gonna finally say the adjective I just cut them and say GHETTO! Or (2) "Woah, what is going on???"-- I had been able to just laugh and smile about it. I wasn't offended at all, it's just that whenever people have something to say about what I wear and it's either a compliment or a criticism, I usually don't know any better response than giving out a laugh. Laughing is my coping mechanism in moments like this one, and it never hurts to laugh at yourself for being happy that you did something unexpected of you that shocked people than constantly regarding what they might think of you. ;D
I also received complements from classmates who tell me they always check out what I wear because I can pull off different looks and styles (THANKS A LOT!). I must admit, it made me feel good that there are people who understand individuality and lets others celebrate their diversity. :)
