We're gonna be on billboards!!! :)

We haven't talked about this yet because we couldn't. You know, legal issues. But now that the prepaid ad campaign for Wi-tribe PH is up, WE CAN TALK ABOUT IT AS MUCH AS WE WANT!!! :)

So 2 months ago, we were asked to audition to be official endorsers of Wi-tribe, a 4G internet provider here in the country that was first established in Qatar. During the auditions, they asked us the usual --school, hobbies and likes. The important part of the interview was when we discussed our advocacy, which is a manifestation of this blog. TO CUT TO THE CHASE, WE'RE IN!!!

Here's a little preview of what you'll be seeing around the metro, up in billboards! :)


I'm really happy that we're a part of this, not because of the bragging rights (well... ok, a bit of that), but because it's a tiny step in spreading our propaganda. Through this ad campaign, we can promote body appreciation more by talking about our blog and its beliefs, hopes and aspirations. I know we have a long way to go, but we gotta start somewhere, right? BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you are reading this, please share this link to EVERYONE YOU KNOW. Talk about it with your friends. You'll never know whose body you're saving when they realize that there's nothing wrong with theirs. :) BODY ACCEPTANCE WILL DO YOUR LIFE WONDERS. TRUST ME.

There's more to come with Wi-tribe's ad campaign! We'll keep you posted! :) I do hope you support us all the way. :)
