I woke up to the sound of my mother's ecstatic voice and the heat of the laptop on my tummy. As I wiped the sleep off my eyes, I heard my mom blab about Anton Diaz, and that our blog made it onto his 8 Most Admired Filipina Bloggers' list. I just came home that morning at 4:30 (KTV is indeed addictive), and what she just blurted didn't even make sense to me yet. After saying it the second time around (and this time, slower), it finally sank in. But still, I couldn't believe what I just heard. I gave her an are-you-serious/shocked stare, and she turned the laptop screen for me to see. AND YES!!! SHE WAS DEAD SERIOUS!




"Stacy and Danah are very brave to introduce the first Fat Appreciation blog in the Philippines. I admire their advocacy of loving your body NOW and to eradicate the annoying insult that comes with the word FAT when it's only an adjective."

IT'S SUCH A GREAT REASON TO BE DISTURBED FROM MY SLEEP!!! This is truly a privilege for Stacy and me. To be included in this list is another great milestone for this blog, and we're just truly grateful for Anton Diaz and his support.

Of course I just had to share the big news to everyone, since Our Awesome Planet is one of the most famous blogs in the country. I'm so happy with the warm responses of the people who shared my joy with me!


Check out Anton's blog to see the complete list, and perhaps a glimpse of what's hot in the food industry around the metro. :)

I am so excited for our blogoversary! Hang on, we've got so many awesome posts in store for YOU!

Plump love,
Danah :)