Let's get one thing straight, first and foremost.
Yes it is.
Fat just means fat. PERIOD. It does not mean greediness. It does not equate to being lazy. It definitely does not denote unattractiveness (because you've well seen all the girls we've featured here, and they are curvy/fat AND beautiful--plus all the other big, beautiful women you've encountered that exist outside of this blog). Fat doesn't mean a smelly slob. And it certainly does not follow that just because you're fat, you're baboy (gross) and matakaw (gluttonous).
Now that we've got that all cleared out, let me give you your assignment that I URGE YOU to put into action when opportunities arise--and I'm so sure that there will be TONS of occasions for you to start carrying out any (if not all) of these simple tasks, which means excuses are not allowed. :D
#1: DO NOT TAKE OFFENSE. When someone calls you fat, don't be offended. If you really are fat, meaning you "have an (over)abundance of flesh" or you're "plump", why be offended for a statement that only declares the truth? It's no different than being called tall if you really are tall, or blonde, if you're blessed with golden hair. On the other hand, if the person takes it up a notch by calling you rude names and is only obviously trying to spite you, take a deep breath and smile. Again, DO NOT TAKE OFFENSE. You can even say thank you for whatever rude names he/she calls you and laugh (preferably inside your head, or whatever, it's up to you) because you know for a fact that the a-hole who lacks social etiquette has got some major issues. Remember that it's not about you, it's about the offender. The badgerer only wants to take out whatever issues he/she has on you and will only be satisfied if you give in and condescend to his/her level by losing it. And we don't want to give them that satisfaction, do we? Besides, who's gonna look like a complete nincompoop who's ridiculing someone who's not even doing anything to them? ;)
#2: CORRECT PEOPLE (KINDLY AND GENTLY) WITH A DISTORTED PERCEPTION ON FAT. Sometimes we can't help but be in a conversation wherein the person we're talking to starts criticizing others for their weight. For example, a classmate or a friend of yours starts sourgraping for not being liked back by the guy she's crushing on. She says, "Bakit siya pa eh ang taba taba naman niya? Mas sexy pa 'ko sa kanya eh!" (Why does he like her when she's so fat? I'm definitely sexier than her!) (BTW, I really dislike girls that feel superior just because they weigh less. PUHLEASE. Is there nothing else to be proud about yourself other than your skinny frame?) This is just an example, but for sure you will find yourself in similar situations wherein person A describes person B as fat that also implies person B is inferior, ugly, or even worthless. Whenever you're in this kind of scenario, kindly and politely say something like, "Just because she's fat doesn't mean there's not something beautiful to love about her, right?" or "Fat people can be attractive too you know. Have you seen plus size models? DAYUM, THEY HOT!" Or think of anything else. As long as you say it nicely and calmly, I'm sure it will baffle them, make them realize that fat is not a negative, or it can even make them go "OO NGA 'NO!" (Yeah, you're right!) :)
#3: STOP SAYING I'M FAT WITH A SAD SIGH. Whenever I tell an old friend I haven't seen for a long time, "You gained weight--" they cut me off by saying "Oo nga eh..." (Yeah...) with a sigh of regret and shame. They don't know that after my first statement is a compliment that goes, "Bagay nga eh! Mas naging cute ka. I like it." (It [the extra weight] looks good on you! You're cuter now.) Because honestly, I find chunky, curvy, chubby people more attractive. I'm just saying. ;) Anyway, this part goes back to homework #1--don't take offense. Don't feel guilty for surprising people with your new heavier weight. And stop explaining why you gained weight like you owe them any explanation because you don't. You gained weight. So what? Whether they like it or not doesn't matter. It's your body, it's up to you if you want to keep it that way or not. On the other hand, if you know that you gained the extra chunk by binging on junk food and Mickey D's and you'd like to go back to being healthy, then go do something about it--like reintroducing yourself to real food and healthier snacks. Just know that being called fat is not something to sigh about, but something to smile about! ;)
There you go, plumpies! Your very first homework! :) Please put this into action so that the negative connotations that come with the word FAT gets abolished, little by little, bit by bit. Spread the body love to everyone! :)
Keep lovin' your chunk,