I have stretchmarks, yes, along with 80% of women in the world. I used to hate'm, like really hate'm, until I've discovered that body acceptance is a journey--it is something you commit yourself to everyday.

You see, I went through a lot after being diagnosed with PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome). I lost almost all of my female hormones (my estrogen), and it shot up the amount of the testosterone in my body. With this, I inevitably gained so much weight, had terrible acne, and a whole bunch of horrible biological changes. I honestly started hating my body, but then God reminded me that I should keep a heart of gratitude (because I was still fully functioning and I can still treat it anyway), and with the love and support from our followers (yes, you), I was able to snap back to my old body-lovin' self.

I just wanna share this tumblr blog that I found out about a few nights ago. I think blogs as bold as this should be awarded. They are courageous, fearless and inspirational. I really hope more people would want to blog to provoke minds and to aspire change, not just for fame, glamour and popularity. Anyway, here's the blog!


I love that they even categorized photos in specific body parts! :)

I know a lot of women fret about having these marks, but this is a natural phenomena. Like hair fall. Or menopause. You may have had 'em after losing or gaining weight, after a pregnancy, after a being diagnosed with a sickness, or just by simply growing (and the list goes on). The only reason why we're told having stretchmarks is "gross" or "ugly" is because of CONSUMERISM. It all goes back to that. I just wanna remind you to be careful with how you ingest the images these aggressive mo'fo's flash our faces and ram down our throats. Remember, they will trigger an insecurity, and use that to SELL SELL SELL. This is why I encourage girls to submerge themselves with images of REAL WOMEN, of figures they can relate to, so as to see that what WE ARE THE BIGGER DEMOGRAPHIC. Only 8% of women in the world look like models. 

So stop hating those stripes! 


So when the sight of your stripes make you cringe... just remember, YOU ARE A TIGRESS!!! :)

Love that awesome body.

Plump love,

PS: When you start getting negative emotions about your stretchmarks, ask yourself why. Always kill the root of negativity! :)