THE BETTER STORY PROJECT: You can be the hero of your better story.

Last Saturday, June 20th, The Better Story Project was officially launched in one of our favorite, cozy Italian restos in the Metro, Galileo Enoteca, Eastwood City.

Attendees/participants/media: ALL WOMEN!

Isa, the mastermind behind the mentorship/workshop program, sharing to us how
 The Better Story Project started and her reason behind it

Pretty paper hearts and my name tag!

A photo of us when we gave our talk about Body Love

FOOD SHOTS! Glorious food shots!!!

Prosciutto and cheese ♥

Quatro Formaggio

After 8 mint chocolate ice cream cake ♥

Arriane from shares her personal struggles and triumphs on 
how she became the hero of her better story

Is there such a thing?

This girl is a warrior!!! Check her out here!

With Steph Tan, my mentor, a pilot on hiatus, Cosmo's Fun, Fearless Female 2013 awardee 
and my mother unicorn

I wish I can fill up a glass jar with wine corks!!!

Hello there, sexy Italian man in the painting! Your hair makes you look like a woman.

With Tintin Lontoc of W TV (who we'll be working with VERY SOON)! :)

Beautiful girls enjoying their gelatos!

amazing girls behind this project: Mikka, Denise, Crae and Maggie

Glad I'm sharing every journey and project with this crazy!

Inspirational and motivational posters all over Galileo's walls to remind the girls that they
have the power to write their stories--for the better! :)

We went on a poster-grabbing spree! :)

 The super cute loot bag contains stickers and a mini poster! :) 
That awesome artwork is hand-painted by the beautiful Maggie.

 We are all for The Better Story Project because it creates a support group for women who want to make a change in their lives to make a bigger change in the world. It is a safe community for women to open up, speak up and share their thoughts and insights on things that matter. This project is created by women for women. The women behind this gathers once a month, hosts a workshop and encourages attendees to open up and discuss among the group their learnings from the prepared activities. Their mission is:

"To encourage, inspire and help young girls make smarter choices, pursue their passions, be comfortable in their own skin and rise up as the heroines of their one great story. We believe in them and we are hearts-on-our-sleeves rooting for them."

We have given a talk and at the same time attended their workshop and we encourage you to join them and try it out! It might just change your perspective for the better and make you feel braver to face whatever struggle you're battling with. It feels good to know that someone understands what you're going through--that you are not alone. :)

The Better Story Project:
