An insightful insight

Everyday, I encounter numerous people, in differing genders, complain and say negative things about specific areas they come across on their bodies -- I hate this part right here (that made me sing'a :D), I dislike that, it needs a little nip and tuck. I've conversed with a lot of people, especially girls, who after I compliment respond with a countering retort. I sometimes just wanna smack them in the head to knock some sense in them, and tell them how awful this habit of body criticizing is (and how immodesty can be such a turn off). You see people, whatever you tell your body, it believes, and then later it materializes (never underestimate the power of the brain as it is the control center of our entire body).

I've never complained about my body for the longest time. Yes, there are moments when I've put on some pounds and don't really feel beautiful for a day, but then I never verbalize it nor whine when this happens. I just focus on my other favorite features and highlight them and go on my own merry way. Why? Because I enjoyed every moment of eating and celebrating with the very special people in my life through fancy dinners and feasts. I've only got myself to blame. Plus it [whining and complaining all the time] can be very irritating so I don't yammer about weight gain. So what if I love food? Food is just one thing my family delights in too much, and I don't fathom why more and more women resist and treat it like it's a terrible creation of some sort. I love my body. It may be full of imperfections and adipose, but heck, I love it. It's the only one I've got.

So what's so important about loving one's body anyway? WELL, EVERYTHING. I'm pretty sure you've heard of the saying "look good, feel good", but I wanna turn things around for a change-- “feel good to look good”. And I sincerely live by this statement. How the hell can you start feeling good about yourself when every time you look at the mirror or step on that weighing scale, all you utter are comments of disappointments because you don't embody a certain look or you don't weigh a certain number? The answer is simple: you have to really feel good, as in revel in what you have. I have had it with people wanting to look different than they already do. YOU ALREADY ARE DIFFERENT. YOU DON’T HAVE TO FIT IN AND JUMP IN THE BANDWAGON OF THE WHOLE MODEL HOOPLA. Don't you think it's about time you realize that all the media are showing are nothing but false, one-sided standards of beauty that only make you want to hate yourself? They're trying to make beauty monotonous, when it should be varying with tones and color. Your body is precious. It is unique. Yes, you may have grown a little thicker, but didn't you enjoy every indulgence that led you to that new weight, that new look, that new shape? Why don’t you work with what you have? I think the pressure brought by the media is just too much. Their obsession on the aesthetics has gone too far. Look around you, I'm sure you know a person who is obsessed with her body image TOO MUCH that it's driving her stark insane. There's nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight, don't get the concept of this blog wrong. But for what intentions? For beauty's sake? Or for health's sake? And up to what extent are you willing to take to lose it? No, really. Weight loss has never been about health a long, long time ago. It has been about the social force to fit in or to be truly marked attractive. REALLY? IS THE NUMBER ON YOUR WEIGHING SCALE THE GAUGE OF YOUR ATTRACTIVENESS? If so, I’m sorry honey, but you’re acting pathetic. This mentality has made people lose their awareness of personality. It has made people become beauty-hungry and beauty-dependent, that it made them forget about character and charisma and confidence, which I think are the honest marks of one's true beauty.

Now, I beseech you, curvy women, to embrace your corpulent, sexy structures. Be a little nicer to yourself. We are all lumps of flesh walking in this earth, it’s just that you are gifted with a bigger chunk. I have said this before and I will say it again: Love your body, it’s the only you’ve got. Trust me, it will kindle the flame of gorgeousness in you, then after that, it will naturally radiate out.

I like playing with my portly belly. So what? ;)

Plump Love,