'Tis the season to gain MORE weight! :) A lot of people we know have been fretting already because we all know that Christmas season is the most fattening of them all--starting on the 25th of December (actually, not even. We all have been stuffed in one of those pre-Christmas Christmas parties!) up to the first week of January-- and in between those days are the most gluttonous celebrations ever!
But before the It's-Okay-To-Gain-Weight,-It's-Christmas! pep talk, we'd like to ask...
Have you found Christmas? :)
Every year, adults dread this season because to them it's all about the stressful Christmas shopping that they have to squeeze in on their tight and busy schedule. On the other hand, kids become angels when December comes, as a quid pro quo for the all the gifts they will be getting. But what is Christmas without all the typical and superficial elements we've associated with it? Will Christmas still be the same to you without the grand feasts, the ang paos from godparents, and the gifts from relatives?
If you genuinely know the true meaning of Christmas, then your answer is probably yes. But if you can't picture Christmas being the same happy and amiable celebration without the luxurious meal and the material presents, then let's be reminded of what we're really celebrating and rejoicing for when Halloween's over and done, and the weather gets chilly and cozy.
Let's remember how God brought light to the world. ♥ Let's remember how God's unconditional love saved humanity, through His one and only son, Jesus. :)

HAVE A MERRY, MERRY CHRISTMAS SEXIES! :) And don't worry about your clothes reducing its size every time the calendar turns to page December. We can always blame the washing machine for that! XD But seriously, this season only comes once a year, so just revel in eating! Dieting and suppressing yourself from all the good (NOTE: REALLY GOOOOOOOOOD) food during this holiday season is like going to your favorite store and swearing you won't buy anything while being conscious that you do have a pocketful of money. IT'S JUST PURE TORTURE!
So on the night of Noche Buena, rid yourself from all the guilt. And go ahead, get yourself another plate. ;)
Again, Merry Christmas! :*