YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! We've been wanting to add new Outfit of The Day (OoTD) posts for such a long time now, but we've been brushing it aside due to laziness. FINALLY Danah and I were able to pinky swear on putting more effort and time for this blog, and now we vow to take photos of our well put ensembles (as we'd like to think) and show them to you, our lovely readers! So we'll be posting two OoTD's since we're twins. It's a package deal. ;)
Outfit of The Day #1: STRIPY!
We shot these photos in school, after shooting for an I-mic (a school org) video that will be shown to the freshmen on "Fresh start" orientation (a thing our school organizes for freshmen to ease them into college, I suppose). By the way, we didn't notice that we were both in stripes until we were browsing through the photos. :D We always have days wherein we don't plan on wearing matching outfits, but after rummaging our closets, we end up being in clothes with a similar theme. Guess it's a twin thing, I dunno.

Danah's oufit
Blazer: Mint
Stripy long-sleeved top: Just found it in our aunt's closet
Jeans: Random tiangge / bazaar
Long necklace: Robinson's Galleria Department Store (RGDS)
Silver sandals: Old Navy from Canada :D

My outfit
Stripy photo shirt: Lacoste
Jeans: Bayo
Belt: RGDS
Shoes: Parisan (SM Mega Mall Department Store)
After the 10-minute shoot (yes, we were done in 10 minutes), we went to Greenbelt and spent the entire half of the day being with the best boyfriend that my sister and me share-- FOOD. We just love Food.
For lunch, we headed to Mr. Rockefeller, since we wanted to eat at some place new.

Clammy wallpaper


Nacho chips with spinach and cheese dip

Cheese and garlic oysters (YUUUUUM)

Bloody steak
We watched Prince of Persia after the humongous lunch, then craved for something sweet... So off to Cold Rock we went.

Just looking at the walls makes me oblivious to cavities! :D

AMEN! :))

My cavity-filled concoction: Australian cookies & cream + nutella + chocolate chip cookies

Danah's strawberry banana milkshake

Slurpin' on her milkshake

Spooning the sweet BF, Ice Cream
And no, I'm still not done yet. This post still has one more meal to cover! After walking around Greenbelt until we starved--and yes, we still got hungry after the loads of food we'd eaten-- we decided to have Japanese food for dinnar. やった!(Yatta! / Yay!)

My favorite-- salmon sashimi

Strawberry Yakult

Spicy Tuna Salad

Dynamite rolls

Another one of my favorites--Sukiyaki

Green chicken and beef asparagus

Though we failed to finish ALL the food we ordered in John and Yoko, we were able to finish MOST of it. :D Food makes life good. :) Allow me to state a platitude: WE LOVE FOOD!
"Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity." --Voltaire
I couldn't agree more.
Zaftig Lovin',