So news got to us that a lot of gossipmongers have been ridiculing and condemning this blog.

Well, I can't say I'm really upset about them hating our blog, but what really gets to me is the LACK OF MATURITY of such readers. Obviously, this blog IS ALL ABOUT BODY ACCEPTANCE. Yes, we do post things that digress a bit from the topic like FOOD and whatnots, but it's to urge all body-conscious women that IT IS DEFINITELY OK TO EAT. There is nothing disgusting with eating and reveling in it.

I know that whatever we (my sister and me) do, there will ALWAYS be people who will mock and strongly dislike our undertaking, but we will PRESS ON. :) We know that our cause TO MAKE WOMEN FEEL GOOD ABOUT THEIR BODY NO MATTER WHAT SHAPE AND SIZE THEY ARE IS REFRESHING and NEW, AND THERE IS CERTAINLY NOTHING WRONG WITH IT.

It just really saddens me that people like to twist this and claim that we're promoting things that are UNHEALTHY.

Again, I won't get tired repeating this: WE ARE ALL ABOUT BODY ACCEPTANCE. Is that too hard to imbibe? MATURITY, READERS, MATURITY.

What deeply saddens me is that some people CONSTANTLY FIND THE NEED to PULL OTHER PEOPLE DOWN in order to feel good about themselves. They care and look so much at what other people do and find something to hate about it no matter how innocuous, great, and sincere the act is (besides, why do they even bother at all???). They want to give themselves a sense of being better than others, while building their self-esteem on a terrible foundation of minimizing, hating, and derogating others.

And I think THAT is what's UNHEALTHY.

I don't mind having haters read our blog from time to time though, it generates more clicks on our site! :)

But let me repeat what I've said, READING THIS BLOG REQUIRES MATURITY, and I highly doubt a lot of people have it.

Now to all our supporters, continue following this blog and spreading the love. Repost our link/s in order for us to reach more plumpinays! :) We do what we do because of you guys. We love hearing from you so don't hesitate leaving comments. :*

Before I go, let me share one of my favorite quotes for them haterz.

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.
--Eleanor Roosevelt
