Curvy Gal PH

I was scouring the internet for some plumpspiration and found this awesome tumblr site!

I like that the women featured here have DIFFERENT sizes and shapes but they all have one thing in common--AND THAT'S THEY ALL GOTS DANGGEROOZ CURVES!!!

Here are my top 3 pics. :)

Damn, who needs spanx when you're this smokin' hot? Don't we look a tad alike with the jet black hair?
HAHAHA #charaught



Speaking of curvy girls, I have recently discovered an awesome Pinay blog that empowers plus-size women all ovah the world!!! :)

I have recently recommitted to my twitter account after breaking up with it for MONTHS. Haha! Follow me at @AdrianahGucci guys!

So anyway... I saw this tweet from @CurvyGalPH and just fell in love with her so very heart-warming and moving post.

Reposting in 5....4....3...2...1!


It’s hard to grow up without a role model. It’s even harder to grow up being plus-sized without anyone telling you that you’re beautiful, and that everything’s going to be okay. When I was younger, I had the crappiest self-esteem. Even now that I’m in my 20s, there are still days that I can’t trust and love myself completely. Then I see curvy women on the internet, they seem so content and happy, they seem to have fully embraced their size. Everyday, I tell myself that if they can come to accept their bodies, I know I will too.
Two years ago, I came across Danah and Stacy’s blog (The Plump Pinay) and they have been sort of my rock whenever I would hate myself for being fat. I remember emailing them and ranting about a family friend who made an offensive comment about me (dunno if they still remember). It took a while before I got a reply, but they did. Someone actually took the time to read my rant, and find some words to make me feel better. I can’t remember if it was Danah or Stacy but someone whom I actually wasn’t related to comforted me even if it was just over the internet. 
Two years since that day, I promised myself, that I too will strive to make a difference for all the full-figured women and men out there. And that in my own little way, I’ll help spread positivity and love. And here it is — this blog.
We, Curvy Filipinas should stop hiding behind old and frumpy clothing. Black isn’t the only color choice for us. Let’s celebrate our bodies, and make a stand.No one should ever be judged based on their size. You can only judge them on how big their hearts are. ;)
As I write this post, I’ve realized one very important thing, “Curvy gals should stick with each other not just to console one another, but more importantly, to stand as role models for the younger generations. We should create a world where our children will learn to love regardless of one’s size, color, gender, or race.” Society needs full-figured role models so that they can learn how much love we can carry in our extremely plump hearts.
You, who is your role model? Let me know. Can’t wait to hear from you.
Much Love,
Honestly, to be called a "role model" in the curvy industry is still very surreal to us. I mean, all we did was pour our thoughts and take a stand on what we believe in. The success of this blog is still overwhelming, and it's really only by the grace of God and the support of our readers that we have gone this far. To the beautiful blogger behind CurvyGalPH, we really just wanna thank you from the bottom of our fat hearts for having faith in our blog's advocacy and creating your own bandwagon. WE REALLY, SINCERELY APPRECIATE THIS. We will be forever grateful.
Happy Thursday, everyone! Sending you big hugs and good vibes. :)
Plump love,