Radha x The Plump Pinay

I have heard and known of Radha during my high school (party) days when her music video was projected and played on the walls of the hotspot bar we were at. I was so amazed by her sexiness, grace and soulful voice that I started doing my research on her. She was on a hiatus back then, but she was definitely one of the talents I looked out for; I wanted and hoped she would make a comeback. I think most of you will agree with me when I say that the industry needs more passionate, out-of-the-box, actually-talented talents, right? And Radha is the exact epitome of that. Hence, when my sister and I found out that she auditioned for The Voice, we couldn't be more thrilled. Watch Radha's full audition video below (wait for the goosebumps!).

How old are you?

What's your size?
Depends on how I feel...

Who is your style icon?
J Lo, Bardot, Marilyn Monroe, Billy Holiday. I'm loving the 50s right now. Next month, who knows?

Favorite store/s?
Payless, online [shops]

Favorite piece/s of clothing to wear?

Stretchy pants, cut-out tops

How do you want people to see your style?
Current, hip, edgy but understated

You said in the video that you gained weight after your career with Kulay ended. Have you ever been scrutinized because of this?
Absolutely! How? I understand that when you do a video it's forever and you're frozen in time so there's a shock factor; but there's also a sense that people don't think you go through anything and therefore should remain looking a certain way. People would see me and be like, "Damn! What happened?" Some would even be mad and be like "you need to do something you lazy *#+$?!*" I'm like, "seriously?"

How did you respond to this situation?
At first I would be sad and let it affect me, but then I thought I'm more than what I look like so I decided what matters is what I think of myself.

The showbiz industry is a vicious one. Were there any hardships with your singing career after the weight gain? 
Yes, to the point that I was told by several influential people in the industry that I don't have a career if I didn't lose weight.

How did you deal with these? 
To a certain extent some of them were right, but then again I wasn't in the best place emotionally and spiritually. I believe that if we are comfortable with who we are we make everyone else around us more accepting of us in every way.

How did you find your body after the weight gain? 
Haha, you can't miss it! I felt okay about it but also a little conscious, getting on stage was not as easy as it was.

You seem like a naturally cool chick and you exude sexiness bigger than you. How did you come to accept your size? What monsters did you have to fight in order to achieve this?
It seems like a tall order to accept a size that is difficult to represent, but we all start out a little unsure, a little insecure, that's normal regardless of size. The easy target would be the full figured chick, but I feel it's the deeper issues that get you in trouble in the end. If that big girl was confident friendly, witty and charming would it matter? I don't think so. I love Rebel Wilson. She's hilarious. It's obvious that she's a bigger size but I don't care, she's pretty and smart. I guess I just realized that going on stage, I have a job to entertain and to inspire, how would I do that all insecure? I just got over myself and thought I want to glorify God and affect people in the best way I can--to sing--so that's what I did. It wasn't easy but all things are possible with Him.

Where do you get your confidence from? 
From God, my family and friends

What makes you feel beautiful and sexy? 
Hmm... the right outfit, the right song, makeup and lighting (haha), being vulnerable and truthful onstage and off

What's your message to other aspiring singers who don't have the stereotypical body type for it? 
Believe in your talent, the rest of you will follow the tune of your inner song... To those who are scared to try out for auditions because they feel like their weight is a hindrance... If you feel scared, pray about it and ask for guidance and strength. Just remember God blessed you with that voice for a reason and it's not so you could just sing in the shower. :) Lift it up to Him and all will be good.

What's your message to other Plump Pinays? 
Love yourself no matter what. You are beautiful and awesome just as you are. Share your heart with others to inspire and encourage and be grateful every single day that God has blessed us with so much. :)


Isn't she A-M-A-Z-I-N-G?! Butterflies were fluttering all over my gut the entire time we talked for this interview. She actually just did this last night as we texted each other (kilig). Stacy and I can't wait to personally meet this gorgeous, soulful fox! She is not just a beautiful artist but a strong inspiration as well. I love how she has rocked the box and deconstructed it, proving everyone wrong about how body image should be in the entertainment industry. More than this, I love that she has ACTUAL AWESOME TALENT to leverage on, plus a bold personality to match. It's time to redefine talent in this country, and we are so proud and happy that Radha is a vehicle for that.

We are rooting for you Radha, you've already come so far! :) Fo' sho' God will bless you with so much more as you keep glorifying Him with the gift of singing. :) 

Here's a goodbye treat for y'all! I loooove, looooove, loooooooove her cover of this sawng!

Plump love,